A New and Functional Nigeria is possible

Dcns Efemena Upama, Sunday School Department

November 5, 2023

Nigeria is a beautiful country, richly endowed and blessed with the best of weather, vegetation, and most importantly, great people with great minds and ideas, people who are highly innovative, creative, and very intelligent.

Unfortunately, this blessed nation is not enjoying its default blessings. There is so much despair and hopelessness in the land, many are discouraged, while some have resolved to fate. Worse still, there are those who have concluded we are doomed as a nation.

“Gradually, the Middle-Class strata are being eroded from our nation and we are grappling with either the rich or the poor.”

The Federal Republic of Nigeria borders Cameroon and Chad to the East, Benin to the west, and Niger to the north. It also has a coast in the south that lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. Nigeria is made up of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, in Abuja, the capital city. She is richly blessed with diverse cultures, different ethnic groups, and religions. Unfortunately, since independence, Nigeria has been saddled with bad, corrupt, selfish, and incompetent godless leaders. We have had the misfortune of having unqualified persons who cannot grasp the job description and its attendant responsibilities sit at the helm of affairs. The desire to keep enriching themselves has kept fueling corruption in the country. The few who dare to be different are seen as ‘aliens’.

Gradually, the Middle-Class strata are being eroded from our nation and we are grappling with either the rich or the poor. A good and competent government must be able to provide the following basics for all citizens, education, security, housing, clean water, power, and food. Unfortunately, these basics are akin to luxuries in Nigeria today. Another challenge Nigeria is suffering from is poor ‘followership’, many Nigerians are not loyal, patriotic, or committed to Her cause. We promote corrupt practices amongst other ills in our places of work, abode, and in society.

But despite all these, a new and functional Nigeria is possible, a Nigeria where we can choose to stay in any part of the country without fear of being marginalised or killed, a Nigeria where we are all free to practice our religion without fear of intimidation, a Nigeria where our public schools can compete favourably with their counterparts in every part of the world, and unemployment is reduced to the barest minimum. The Nigeria of our dreams is very possible, very possible if all hands can be on deck.

There is hope for this nation, great hope. Deut 31:8 says “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” There is hope for us, but let’s not forget the place of work as we pray for the peace of the land. 2 Chron 7:14 is a call to repentance, with an assurance of God’s Divine Intervention if we will but obey and adhere to His instructions, a new functional Nigeria is very achievable.

Happy Independence brethren, may we be truly Independent in Jesus name, amen.

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